3 Awesome Glass Fusing Hacks

3 glass fusing hacks

One look at some of the stunning glass fusing pieces we have hanging at Aran’s Art Studio, and you know how amazing glass can be at capturing your memories, creativity, and self-expression. 

It’s easy to think creating something that beautiful may be a little too hard but you want to know the big secret about glass fusing?

Anyone can do it! Even if you’ve never done it before. 

Glass fusing is a fun and easy way to create beautiful decorations, ornaments, sun-catchers, platters, and a whole lot more. 

Here are three easy ways to do glass fusing the next time you come into the studio.

Stringers, Noodles, & Blobs
One of the things that makes glass fusing so expressive is the variety of textures you can use to make your creation really POP! Stringers (long and thin glass pieces), noodles (long and flat glass pieces), and blobs (pebble shaped glass of different colors) are three textured glass implements that can add depth and expression to your piece. Simply add a drop of glue to your base and apply. We have these in a bunch of shapes, sizes, and colors. Use them to create whatever you like from squares and triangles to full on abstract art! 

Trace your handprint on a flat piece of glass and decide whether you want a solid color as a background (pictured) or just your handprint. We have plenty of chunks and colors to choose from (we recommend red for how boldly it shows up!) You can even do two or more with the right size glass. Our standard sizes are 3 inch to 12 inch squares, but we can cut to custom sizes, too. How about a family handprint platter?

Self Portraits 
We love these funky projects! Draw your eyes, nose, and mouth on a piece of glass and fill in with glass pieces of different shapes, sizes, and colors. Our main studio mix has them all. These are a great way to express yourself and will get attention wherever you hang it. Make your own Picasso!

Come in any time – no appointment is needed! Let us know if you want to try one of these projects out. We’ll help you every step of the way.